Monday, August 12, 2013

One Step Closer

Publishing, the next frontier... I would completely geek out and do a whole Star Trek the Next Generation reference here but I choose not to (because yes, you do have a choice in that kind of thing). What I will discuss however is this next adventure I'm about to take. In the next week I will be submitting three of my works, all poems, in an attempt to become a published author. Successful or not I will continue to make the effort to put my work together and make constant submissions. Eventually someone should see my genius (or I will force feed my genius to them).

What is the point of writing if I'm not sharing it? Success would only mean that others agree in the vision of my work, not that I'm a sellout. Why am I so scared then to put anything out there? Honestly I don't think it is a matter of being scared. What I think it is that it doesn’t hit home that to be published I'm not going to be a miracle discovery like some new planet. Instead it will take repeated attempts of bring my work to the attention of others. I love the idea of introducing people to the character of my writing. My character however has yet to be determined. Quirky, dark, or any number of things, but I know it’s not going to be “normal”. I'll start with poetry for now and go from there.

In somewhat related news I've decided a few significant things in regards to The Story of L. I can't wait to apply them but hopefully the outcome is well received. One of those decisions is to make it a novella. Until such a time is allowed that I can progress further in these projects I bid you adieu.

For the Love of Diamond

I wanted to play around with description in this writing. The imagery here is meant to be vibrant and felt by the reader. I wanted my writin...