Friday, February 20, 2015


You know, I’m not conceited when it comes to my writing (although I like to imagine I will be a great writer one day) but I have to admit I am proud of myself. As I progress through the trials and tribulations of trying to find my voice I feel I mature. Today I  am metaphorically comparing my current task to one of my favorite warrior movies, 300. Three hundred soldiers stood at the gates fending off thousands of Persians and their intent to conquer all of Greece. These Spartan soldiers saw no end to their battle as waves and waves of Persians encroached up on their home. The only thing to give them strength was each other and the thought of saving their families and homes from the bloodthirsty ravaging that the Persians would surely visit upon their women and children. They could not fail at their task.

I am no Spartan but I like to consider that my craft (as it is honed more and more) and my mind set to be that of the warrior class. My weapons of choice are my words. I select each as if I was looking for that one fine blade that I can use to slice your every thought to pieces, a blade so fine that it would bury itself deeply within the cognitive recesses of my reader’s minds.  I like to flirt with a poetic style and create writing that gives a romantic feel to all subjects even darker ones. I like to touch on things that make the world seem strange and brand new but at the same time reinvents it so that anything can be normal (at least I’d like to think I’m so bold but I’m still working on this). Right now in efforts to better my craft I am still reading as always. Currently in my possession are several selections including the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins as well as American Gods by Neil Gaiman. I have just completed The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. This is my first self-help book and I have found it quite enlightening and peaceful to read. It is such a wonderful book that inspires great introspective thought and really gets you to look at yourself then come out of yourself to realize the world is not worth stressing over. Even though it took me some time, and I muddled through some passages, it was a rather Zen like experience reading The Power of Now. So my reading habit is there and maybe I’ll be able to read a book a week at some point (not now). As for the writing side of things that is a bit more of a task (hence the title indicated here).

I have now challenged myself a step further. As my focus grows and my dedication becomes more of a need to write rather than an awareness that I should be writing I am requesting of myself 500 words a day. This excludes writings like work e-mails of course (or this blog for example) and specifically focuses on my creative writing. As a result of this I have managed to get Story of L closer to completion in the last few weeks alone than I have in the last couple of years. It’s exciting to watch my enthusiasm grow as the days progress. There are times when I have to write in order to feel like my day is complete. I am still struggling with consistency but the guilt of slacking forces me to make up the times I don’t get to sit down and write. I plan to proceed with this state of mind and make writing a regular part of my daily routine as I work on selecting the proper words to convey the settings and moods I desire. I want to continue weaving spells of worlds and situations that don’t exist but you swear they could.

Procrastination IS my worst enemy (as it is for most writers) and something I’m trying to put behind me when it comes to my craft. I no longer want to make excuses instead I want to make art with my words and produce work that I am proud of. I will shed my weaknesses and come out on top excelling at that task I have set before myself. I will become a warrior for art because I don’t see myself being anything else.

For the Love of Diamond

I wanted to play around with description in this writing. The imagery here is meant to be vibrant and felt by the reader. I wanted my writin...