Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Finding the Right Words to say I Love You

Story of L is currently my biggest triumph in progress as well as the biggest bane in my current existence. Luckily I don't plan to to keep existing as I do at this current time and eventually I will emerge a beautiful butterfly. It's not that the task is difficult because I am fighting a bout of writers block but the pressure to complete one of my first major writing project is perhaps getting to me. I want the story to be perfect, to immediately have the ability to touch lives and change perceptions of the world. By carrying on with this mind set I have already failed myself.

I have no in depth experience writing to this capacity so there is no reason to believe that my first big writing project project will be a great success only that I want it to be. Despite my own desires for Story of L, because it is my story in a sense, I cannot expect it to become my own personal best seller. It is a stepping stone to my next level, evidence that I can write a book. I find myself trying to conclude it even now and I am so close I can taste the final chapters on the gustatory cells of my mind. My time spent in the kitchen is paying off with a delicious blend of proofing and revision as I work out the final parts missing from my story. Currently it seem two key pieces are needed for the conclusion of the saga I have created.

As of recent I have just finished reading White Oleander at the suggestion of my good friend Tamara. As I read this book an epiphany dawned on me, this is exactly how I wanted my story to be written. Not so much in the same topic by the style, the voice. At the point that I discovered this I knew I had to finish reading this book in order to arrive at a solid conclusion to my own writing.

I have noted with some most of my stories my test readers end up asking me for more; what is coming next? I kept asking myself why are they asking this. My stories have concluded, or so I thought. As I review some of the stories I see that I lacked a focal or a true conflict leading to a climax and then conclusion. In the end I could not conclude something that did not have a true beginning and middle. With this in mind I finished reading White Oleander  and received a sense of finality. I saw the direction in which I could take my own story. I started to feel at once I could make my story whole. So the journey continues.

For now interested readers will soon find that I have added a number of short stories I have been working on overtime. Each one is significantly different and displays my different approaches on writing. There just different attempts I have been trying while continuing my main project. Story of L is on the horizon and will be ready for your reading pleasure soon. Thanks for all your patience.

For the Love of Diamond

I wanted to play around with description in this writing. The imagery here is meant to be vibrant and felt by the reader. I wanted my writin...