Sunday, July 31, 2016

I chopped off my legs so that I may run

"Be courageous and write in a way that scares you a little." - Holley Gerth

"You fail only if you stop writing." - Ray Bradury

"The true fight I was not prepared for when it comes to my writing was the one with myself." - L

"The writer by nature is a dreamer... a conscious dreamer." - Carson Mcculler

Moving is a big deal. I suggest everyone do this once in his or her life; preferably before 30 and not to a college dorm just hours away from mom or dad. Don't just live in the same box. Move to a completely different box, come to an understanding of that box, and find yourself in that box. It's one thing to take a trip, that only lasts a short period, and return to the same box. Something I’ve been doing thinking that traveling was enough to expose myself to the world. It's not. To truly expand and experience life I had to disconnect myself from all the things I knew, and move into a new box. By doing this Im slowly removing the walls and letting myself live free in the world. Daring to be bolder than I ever was before and all I had to do was chop my legs off. In other words, sacrifice safety and familiarity.

It hurt leaving friends behind, a love I felt I had been searching for all my life, and family that I’m not able to drive down the street to see on a regular basis.  Doubt, fear, and procrastination continued to plague me.  I constantly questioned if a move could really make a difference? It can, and it did. 

I chopped my legs off so I could run. I removed everything I had stood on before as my foundation. Everything I built leaving myself with only the bear essentials, and told myself I would have to succeed. I needed to become restless, lose my complacency. This was the experience I needed. I’m not saying everyone needs to move for this reason. Some people are naturally restless and take strides on their own, but seeing how someone else lives or how someone else views the world impacts your own approach to all things. For me, meeting and watching others going through the same struggle helped me to feel connected to the world. I realized I’m not alone in chasing my dreams. I’m not the only one who feels failure creeping at the door and pushes past it to reach for the gold ring dangling above. Somehow knowing deep down inside this is where Im meant to be in my life

I have already been provided confirmation that I made the right choice. Now all I have to do is run with it…see where I go from here.

For the Love of Diamond

I wanted to play around with description in this writing. The imagery here is meant to be vibrant and felt by the reader. I wanted my writin...