Tuesday, April 3, 2018

If You Write It....

One of my favorite poems to date that I have written is called "Her Love Mix-tape". It combines the idea of rhyme scheme with enjambment, and strong concrete images to an obvious emotion. It's not long. I never really like my poetry to be very long. Truly, I want my writing to be described in three words: descriptive, concise, and intense. They tell you the best thing you will find on your journey as a writer is your voice. I hope mines is loud and clear without lengthy explanations yet does something to stir the soul. I will be looking for publishers for this book, as well as others in the works, and look forward to sharing along the way.

I wish everyone the best on their own creative journeys, and, here you go from my poetry book to you:

Her Love Mix-tape

Our love was old school.
Founded in 90’s R&B
songs I can’t remember the words to.
Maybe that’s why I forgot how to hold you?
Or how to kiss you so sweetly
that it tasted like
Moscato poured from my lips.
I should have recalled
those treasured songs
found long ago.
Gems that kept me in touch
with my neo-soul.
Same tunes that taught me
how to make love to you
by the moon’s light.
Instead, I failed you
and in turn, failed myself.
And when the music ended
there was nothing left
because I didn’t swim deep enough
to anchor our love
against the quiet storm
that brewed violently inside you.
Thrashing against your mind,
like your fists against my chest
as you hoped to beat the love into me,
but you couldn’t.
And I can’t remember our song.

For the Love of Diamond

I wanted to play around with description in this writing. The imagery here is meant to be vibrant and felt by the reader. I wanted my writin...