Monday, September 22, 2014

The Evolutionary Step

I don’t always do book reviews but when I do, I happen to pick Zane’s Addicted a year before it comes out in theaters. At first I thought it was a fluke that I received over 2,000 views since the last time I was on my blog. For a moment I was genuinely pleased that maybe my blog had a leap in interest. Then, I contemplated a bit further how my sudden popularity may came out of the blue and it hit me. Thanks to Zane’s new movie and her eager fans (looking for any and everything about this upcoming theater release) they were directed to my site because of a post I did discussing the book. Lucky Me! I have to admit it was a bit disappointing when I realized that but then again free publicity is, well, free. I really can’t be mad about that.

The hope is at least some of the people interested in her work may have seen something of interest in mines and will return for my next project. To my fans awaiting the completion of Memoirs of L that will be one of the items I plan to finish. No more putting it off or being distracted  It was supposed to take less than a year to write but apparently that college procrastination has not left me completely. I will not set an exact deadline this time but I will be dedicated to completing it. In addition to this I am going to start work on a full length book (title yet to be determined). I have had several ideas I’ve been playing around with and as they solidify and become more than mere whispers of in my head I become more focused on the fact that I need to move forward with them. Now I also have my third venture involving my current preparation to launch my zine Her Spot with three beautiful women who will be contributing as editors and writers to the project. It’s going to be a productive year!

For those of you unfamiliar with a zine it’s basically a small scale magazine that is generally focused on a specific topic or idea and presented in print on a small scale. I have decided the World Wide Web is my friend in this venture. Instead of print I am building the site through WIX and presenting the collection of writings and interactive discussions on-line. Who knows where it will go but I am excited. After the initial issue and site building the plan is that from there the process will be simple. I will add a new issue every month or every two months (still need to discuss that detail with my writers involved) depending on how demanding of a task this will be.

Meanwhile, in the bat cave…

I’m still reading, one of the things that will always be a part of my life long learning journey. Currently, between the miscellaneous things on how to start a magazine and what makes your site appealing , I have borrowed The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle for my reading pleasure. Since book reviews appear to provide me with a bit of traffic I think it may be ideal that I start to take the time out to do these more often. If anyone else has a suggestion for a book they may want to hear about, please let me know. Until then I will simply choose at random books I have selected for my own reading pleasure (I’ve actually been eyeing Atlas Shrugged so maybe that will be next after this). Tata for now, until next time.

Friday, June 13, 2014


     For some time it didn’t bother me. I sat there comfortably not concerning myself with it. It was a part of me. Then one day my face felt as if it were on fire.

     An uncontrollable itch urges my fingers upwards to my face and I scratch manically around the edges, trying to find relief. This tactic worked many times before but brings me no reprieve now and my nails only dig deeper. I find myself lost in the frenzy as my fingers tips scrape against my face. My nails try to catch the edges and pull at them but it won’t give so easily. I need it off and despite my attempts  it will not release itself. As if some unknown adhesive secures it to my skin. I can feel it pulling at my flesh as I try to pry it off. It is stubborn but I am determined to have it be done with it.

     I redouble my efforts to cast if from me. It is no longer who I am, why won’t it leave, and this becomes my subtle prayer trying to urge its removal. I will no longer allow its reputation to proceed my own. I yearn to see the world as myself and for the world to see me, even if I am to be judged.

      Then, just like that, it releases as if nothing had ever held it there. I am able to peel it away and already the world looks newer and brighter. I can already feel the difference in the wind and the sun feels like a caress on my face instead of a scorching torch now that my mask is removed.

     So there was this artist that I met on Wall Street the night of May 22nd in front of the WaiTiki Lounge. In attempts to support my local art I purchased a small item from Mr. Chris Tobar that was of interest to me.  Several of his pieces involved the use of a gas mask and many portrayed what appeared to me to be Native American markings. Before procuring the item I asked him for a better understanding. In response to my inquiry, and I will try my best to summarize here, he explained that we as a people wear masks in our society. He explains that as we search for ourselves we find realization one day and remove our masks after we go “native”. In other words as we find ourselves, and not simply what society determines we are, we are no longer alien to ourselves but so much  more. We are a deeper understanding of ourselves and not simply the mask most people see on the surface.
     Suffice it to say I was quite inspired. What I wouldn’t do to have written this during that moment of inspiration. Alas, other obligations required that I go to bed that night and so two days later I am trying to recapture the pure rapture and elation I felt when I considered his words that night. What If I were to take on the same state of mind? What if I am a native girl, a fighter for art, willing to take up the tools of my trade and defend my creativity? All I am waiting to do is unmask myself and become the creative mind I was meant to be.

      I leave you with one thing more that I strongly back:


Saturday, May 17, 2014

What's My Passion

So, you know how I said article writing was not my thing, well, that has changed. With school behind me for a temporary period I look now more closely at my options. One such option would be writing a regular article. Now that I have recanted my earlier statement I realize the potential of a regular column. I can not only add potential readers to my works but also explore writing more, my voice, and of course get some practice. Now to consider the obvious, what to write?

This blog was easy enough. Let's write about anything and everything regarding my actual writing and building my career in writing. This is more of an abstract outlet than a place of any specific purpose. Inspired moments go here, something that merely occurred on a whim of inspiration. Now I want to write a focused article on a very specific and narrow topic. I would like it to be something more personal, almost anthropological without the research (or at least very little research). So what to consider? Something I want to expand upon. How about lesbians? How about philosophy? How about my view of the world? Then again how about a little bit of all of them. After recently discussing my inquiry into the writing world with a fellow writer I was told that a broad topic may be best. By allowing myself as few restraints as possible I would be allowing myself a number of topics to exist, BRILLIANT! Kind of what I do here (as you can see the answer was already there but I tend to make things hard on myself and over think them).

My intent at this time is to keep my options open. I am researching however and looking into how others do it. One example mentioned in another blog is from fellow writer Spoken Pandora. Spoken has several published articles with Elixher, Sage, and LOTL. Another interest is that of my previous professor, Nathan Holic who has a well organized blog site and several published books. I enjoy reading other works and as I have learned (and was taught throughout my scholastic years) this is the best way to expose yourself to other styles. From the writing of another author I have been able to learn what I like, what I don't, and all the little things in between. With a little sampling I may find what works best for me here in this particular arena. Confidence of my researching abilities is limitless being that I'm fresh out of college I can put that skill to good use.

I'm still skeptical however on having enough to say. When it comes to discussing certain things at length my ability becomes a little shaky and questionable but I believe and therefore it must be possible. So what topic shall I take the time to research and present in eloquent prose? I’m narrowing my options and time will soon tell. I'm looking forward to my next true adventure.

Just a side note: I recently joined the Writer's Digest mailing list, does anyone have a clue what this copy writing advertisement is? For that matter, does anyone know what direction to point me in if I have a healthy interest in this subject?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

End of an Era

“I am a 2014 UCF Graduate that is ready to take the world by storm. I will have my day in the sun!”
The cry is that of an amazon, strong, piercing the heavens as the dawn spreads out over the city. With her arms raised the woman stands triumphant as the morning wind tugs softly at her afro. Her face is determined as she stares in the direction of the rising sun searching the horizon for her next triumph. She doesn't know what the day will bring but she stands prepared.
Long winded but in so many words my life as a student in formal education has ended. I will always learn (this I have discovered all too well) but for now it will be on my terms and as of now my steps towards a successful writing career will be my focus. So where do I go from here? I know that school is supposed to be the preparation for a working life, but what do you do when you have been working that whole time and your job pays more than most out there? You leave.
As much as my job pays me it does not provide the peace of mind I need. I will remain here for now until I locate something more ideal. I don’t want to settle for just anything, writing is my passion. So I’ll keep my current employment for now and productively start chipping away at my student debt. In the mean time I know there is more out there for me and that is what I will attempt to search for.
One consideration is copy writing. My cousin recently introduced me to Mad Men (yes working a full time job and going to school has deprived me) but this show did not spark the idea. After recently subscribing to Writer’s Digest e-mails one in particular stood out. It had a flashing fan fare feel to it describing the awesome career path I could embark on as a copywriter and so the seed was planted (had to have an Inception reference). From that point forward I researched this particular career and found out more details. Little did I know that Don Draper’s entourage is a perfect example of this work environment ( despite it being circa 1960’s). My only set back is I don’t want the office life. I really want to work from home, but can I sell myself as a copywriter when I've never don’t it before? Do I take a year long course to learn the trade? Will that bring me any closer to being validated as a copywriter?
These questions fly about my head like so many busy bees in spring and I have yet to find the answers. I still search to determine what the right decision will be. In the mean time I am looking for legitimate jobs to apply to that fall under this heading in the hopes that I will eventually strike gold. With this option still be researched putting all my eggs in one basket does not breed opportunity for me.
While I seek a reasonable alternative for copy writing (I still want this par time) I’m also attempting to start elsewhere. I have been familiar with a fellow writer for years and now I’m trying to see how she does it. With a column, a published book, and another book on the way Spoken Pandora is doing things I can only dream of. I hope her blueprints can be mine or at least give me an idea where to start.
With that discussion under way I fear only more questions come up than answers. If I wrote a column what would it be about? How much time can I dedicate to my book and still carry on the other laundry lists of things I give myself to do? Will I find my niche? Do I want one?
Sigh…well for now my adventures in experimental words continue as I seek the next level in my search for writing nirvana.

For the Love of Diamond

I wanted to play around with description in this writing. The imagery here is meant to be vibrant and felt by the reader. I wanted my writin...