Friday, November 30, 2012

Burning the Midnight Oil

So today I felt inspired by the recent insistence of not only my girl who constantly says I procrastinate but also by the grind of Mikestro. Mikestro is the stage name of a fellow creative mind and co-worker that I am familiar with. He is up at the wee  hours of the morning working on his music. Being a local music producer that is involved in the up and coming works of local artists he is attempting to make a name for himself. In this same way I realize I have to make a strong effort to put myself out there more. So with this in mind I have been at this laptop working continously on this page including links now to my own work. As I consider that I am finally putting these items up for public view I become more aware of my dissatisfaction with the work being displayed. Errors become that much more noticeable to me.

What this means is that I will be doing a mass overhaul of of these items and making sure they are well polished for view before I start passing out information about my page to anyone. This is my business card and I need to treat it as such. When I recommend anyone to view my site I want to know that they are viewing A plus work and anything less just won't do. This will be my mission that by the end of December all of my work is up to par with my expectations. So there, I have declared what I will being doing for the next month well before school starts up again.

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