Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Writing articles may not be for me

So I have to write an article for my class. Fatigue is a terrible monkey to carry on your back. I think my classmate may detest me at this point because I submitted three different ideas for this group project we are working on. Oh yeah! I mentioned this in my last blog, it is our mock publication. The terrible thing is that I started this already kind of iffy about the idea I was submitting. Of course it led to confusion and needed clarification and so I felt the need to clarify. So I set about submitting 2-3 more additional posts to attempt and explain my article idea.

 What I was trying to write about you ask, what makes a great fantasy. Our mock publication was going to revolve around fantasy so wouldn’t our fake reader be interested in reading about the makings of great fantasy work, from my perspective anyway. After sometime and reviewing the idea I became frustrated with the thought, said forget it, and scratched the whole thing. Instead I’ll try to something else. I formulated a new idea.  I thought it would be a good thing to explain to up and coming writers that the emotions of a character can play a major part in the story. That was idea number two.

That proceeded to bomb equally as much. It was hard to explain to my classmate how I wanted to present the article so that the writer can understand that the characters emotions displayed properly were essential for the reader to really connect. I probably explain it better here than I did to her. I’m just blaming the whole thing on lack of sleep. Again I went on to use 2-3 additional posts to simply try and convey the right thing. I felt satisfied, momentarily.

My classmate then proceeded to e-mail each group members idea in a single message. I reviewed the other submissions and felt mines was quite inadequate when lined up and compared to the others. So with sleep finally in my system and to my satisfaction (probably my classmates chagrin) I responded to her e-mail and submitted a finale article idea: flashback. I need to practice this anyway and what better way to learn my faults in using this skill than to go through and research it in order to teach others. So there we have it. My idea finalized.

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