Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 2 and more to go...

So, day two of my frustration. At this time I am currently trying to figure out how to write two pieces for my mock publication in class. At the same time I am trying to launch my story blog. I am also trying to make an effort to write in this blog every day and I am behind in the reading for my literature class. Did I mention I hate my job by the way? Here is where I would insert the maniacal laughter that would follow as I feel myself being torn in all different directions and try to retain enough sanity to focus and write something. At this point I feel I just want to write but I can't seem to meet the guidelines of my classmates and writing for myself is out of the question because I have to get my school work out of the way first.

How do I provide a fantasy story that is insightful? My problem is I just don’t know what to be insightful about right now. My other writing project is dealing with love and my mindset is really focused on this idea so when I submitted my article idea it was shot down because it seemed to cliché. That is because the article had to do with love. I didn’t think it was but may the topic of love is to everyone. Choosing the world or the woman you love. What if you saved her from a number of perils only to find out that the journey you both started out on to save the world was her suicide mission and she never told you. What if the woman you loved didn’t love you and knew to save you the humiliation of the situation she chose to tell you nothing? Maybe you are the best mercenary for the job and she needs your protection and murderous hands because she needs you to kill her since she must die innocently as a sacrifice. So in the end she taunts you and in a moment of rage you kill her to save the world. Is it still a good deed?

Well, I think I just found my breakthrough...

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