Sunday, November 25, 2012

Concerning Myself with the Small Things

So, turkeys have suffered a large number of casualties, dinners have been cooked, meals and desserts have been eaten, and yet still must I continue to consider my class assignments throughout all of it. To make it even better not only was my mother in town but I found myself sick with fever. Trying to stay focused and write as needed I son realizd was very difficult. My ambition is quelled quite easily when life gets in the way. What does that say about me and my supposed passion about writing? Am I really not destined for the great writing adventure I had anticipated on finding myself to be taking by this time? Is my self-doubt my new excuse? Or is it the knowledge of the increasing number of obstacles in my way that causes me to no longer reach for the stars but instead map and painstakingly plan my slow crawl to success that will only be level with skyscrapers.

It is an unfortunate thing to find oneself not meeting the goals one expected to reach when it comes down to it. Over the years I have accumulated a number of story ideas and even written a few. I have not however pursued any of them at a more serious level. I have yet to have my work published and I struggle more and more each day with the idea of my writing even being worthy to grace the pages of any publication. Even in the class I am currently taking I find my mind unable to produce the desired effect and get ahead. I am only able to reach the minimal and turn in the assignments at the time of the deadline. I was hoping to be ahead, to actually produce the work needed well before it was due. So I finished my article for one content editor two weeks ago in this mock publication of mine. I meant to proof everything and turn it in before Thanksgiving. I finally finished and turned it in today and it is due Tuesday. This is isn’t necessarily terrible but it doesn’t meet my expectations of my own deadline. Now I have a second article to write which is in actuality a short story. I have practically 2 days to do this and proof my work. Now it is time to truly test my writing skills and creativity; let’s see what I have in me.

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